
Woman suffers infections, more in Arkansas nursing home

Location: Little Rock, Arkansas
Plaintiff: Estate of Minnie Lee Valentine
Defendant: Little Rock Health and Rehab and Heartland Personnel Leasing, Inc.
Amount: $10.45 million verdict
Compensatory Damages: $8.45 million
Punitive Damages: $2 million
Alleged Injuries: Violation of the Arkansas Long Term Care Resident’s Rights Statute; Felony Neglect; and Negligence, including medical negligence that resulted in bedsores, dehydration, poor hygiene, infections, amputation and death


Minnie Lee Valentine, 73, was a resident of Little Rock Health Care and Rehab. During her three month stay, she suffered dehydration, urinary tract infections, poor hygiene, and infected Stage IV bedsores. She also endured osteomyelitis (an inflammation of bone caused by infection) and a below-the-knee amputation of her left leg. Those injuries caused Mrs. Valentine to lose her personal dignity and suffer extreme and unnecessary pain, degradation, anguish, otherwise unnecessary hospitalizations, and emotional trauma.

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